Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 28, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Be generous with your attention today. Resist the urge to tune others out to get things done. Make eye contact and truly listen to the conversation. Seize the moment and remain present. Your focus will be rewarded.


Even if you happen to be correct in your assumptions about a new romance, don't gloat. Righteous people have a way of coming off as pretentious and annoying. Refrain from saying, "I told you so."


It's a good day to take a chance on someone new. Even though you'd rather wait to see what happens next, you might be pleasantly surprised by making the first move. You never know unless you try.


Today, you'll need to be more resourceful than usual. Something you've been planning for a while is having trouble getting off the ground. Think of alternative ways to get things done. Don't be afraid to ask for help.


Willpower might not be your strong suit today. Hold off on making any major potential relationship decisions until you know you can be strong. People who don't have your best interests at heart may take advantage of you.

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Don't brag about your latest romantic conquests to your friends. While most of your buddies are happy to see you giddy about someone new, others might think you're rubbing this newfound affair of the heart in their faces.


Dating takes both initiative and patience. Not every candidate rocks your world, but that's okay. You need the duds to appreciate the dreamboats. Keep your eye on the bigger picture.


Dazzle people today with your joie de vivre. You have more influence over people's moods than you realize. Cheer up the usual wet blankets with your sunny demeanor and positive vibes. Let your smile light up the room.


After your last few disastrous dates, it's easy to get jaded and bitter. Instead of falling into a never-ending funk, remain optimistic that things will get better. You have to take the bad with the good and the annoying with the endearing.


Others may appear as things they're not. The only thing you can do is be true to yourself. Sadly, some people are so insecure that they're afraid to show their true colors for fear of rejection. Stop wasting time with charlatans and move on.


Your relationship with your family could give you signs of why certain romances work and others fail. Learn from your parents' mistakes and triumphs. However, be sure to remember that broken hearts aren't hereditary.


Keep your mind from wandering when you're listening to someone special. The last thing you want is to come off as disinterested and bored. Make eye contact and truly pay attention to everything being said. Ask questions and be engaged in the discussion.

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