Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 25, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You need an emotional outlet now, and while eating cookies or buying new shoes are viable options, be sure to combine them with some actual support. Commiserating (and laughing) with a friend about love is just the ticket.


Your heart may be pounding like crazy, but your gut's saying to go for it! The cosmos agrees with your gut, and it would also like to point out that getting your heart rate up is good for you.


Someone's treading on what you perceive to be (or would like to be) your territory, and you care more than you thought you would. Stand down and keep your thoughts about it to yourself for now.


You're generally a giver, not a taker, but right now the world's revolving around you. Let the universe shower you with gifts. Enjoy the attention and be as choosy as you want to be in the love department.


Persistence and honesty are your best allies in the romantic realm. Don't fool yourself or others about who you are and what you want. When you see it, go after it.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


The stars are emphasizing family now. Think about the bigger picture: the example your family set sfor you, your family of friends, and how you want your future family to be.


Concentrate on matters outside the love department to avoid potential frustration. Remember that a watched pot never boils. Your love life will steam up as soon as you start ignoring it.


Do you remember your dreams? Your unconscious is sending you a message about love. Wake up and get it! Let your thoughts flow unhampered and see what your intuitive powers have in store for you.


Sometimes love is much simpler than you think. Let your best attributes (physical and otherwise) show shamelessly. You've got nothing to gain by being anything less than your most fabulous self.


The practical side of you knows it'll happen when it happens, and you're waiting for someone deserving of your bountiful loyalty. Meanwhile, relax and smell the proverbial roses.


Your usual tranquillity gets a good jostling, and the fact that it's about a romantic issue doesn't help. Don't let your emotions run rampant before you digest what's happened. It'll all make more sense soon.


Mystery and illusion are swirling around you, but in a way that's very much to your love life's advantage. Choose your part, put on your splashiest costume, and join a romantic play already in progress.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!