Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 13, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Leave it to other people to kick themselves for not saying the precisely right thing at the exactly perfect moment. All you have to do now is open your mouth and let the words pop out.


Lighten up, and don't be afraid to share what's on your mind and in your heart. It's only monumental if you make it so. And, conversely, it's as funny as you let it be.


You could never be accused of being taciturn, and right now the words are really flowing, and with great effect in the realm of romance. Tell them about your latest, greatest idea.


Run that romantic message past your personal love guru before dispatching it, or your jokes may fall flat and your point could be misunderstood, and who needs that?


Your knack for socializing (mixing and mingling, putting the right people together, kissing in corners) is off the charts, so put together an impromptu dinner or plan a big bash as soon as you can.

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Instead of expending that nervous energy fretting about your love life (or lack thereof), get outside and get moving. Bike ride, swim, run, walk. Whatever works for you.


Got something on your mind when it comes to romance? Find someone to tell. You could discover you don't even need advice. Just by talking about it your path becomes clearer.


That great idea to hit on your coworker or get back in touch with your ex? Reconsider it. What seems potentially in the moment now could go wildly awry.


That chatterbox may seem intriguing, but you could find yourself longing for someone with a little more depth. Don't commit too much too quickly.


Time to get a little clarity on your romantic situation. What or who is extraneous? Are you being frank with everyone involved, including yourself? Cut to the chase.


Take a friend or a date out to do or see something brainy or creative. The kind of people you want to meet won't be found in the same old places.


Keep things light and general in the realm of romance. The best answer to practically any question now is maybe (with a smile, of course).

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