Your Daily Singles Horoscope for December 12, 2022

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


Get 'em while they're hot! Your fresh new ideas and love interests, that is. Keep your eyes wide open and you'll see that the stars are putting some sweets right in your path.


If you feel like you're just spinning your wheels, romantically speaking, you can chalk part of that up to the cosmic energy surrounding you now. Getting frustrated about it won't help.


Who says networking has to be career oriented? Expand your tribe, confessing to the coolest (and most discreet) new friends that you're on the romantic lookout. You never know who they'll bring up.


So you've got a mountain of stuff to do. Reduce it to a molehill instead of feeling overwhelmed, and give yourself the reward of social time at the end. You'll feel lighthearted and enjoy yourself.


Making new friends is a snap at the moment, and you never know when a friend might become more than that or have a connection that could turn out to be very good for you. Yay for friendliness!

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You might be getting a little too detail-oriented, especially in the realm of romance. Chances are that little thing you're obsessing about really isn't that big of a deal. Relax.


Once you get going, you'll find that your thoughts are clear and your speech is compelling. Take advantage of it by sorting through some outstanding romantic issues and talking to some new people.


Make sure it's not business as usual now, whether at work or in matters of the heart. You need to slow down and read between the lines. Something's a bit off.


You could be too busy to give much thought to romance at the moment, but be sure to look up from your desk, your shopping cart, or wherever. You never know when someone interesting might wander by.


Any anxiety you've been feeling about romantic communication vanishes, leaving a silver-tongued devil in its place (that's you). Take it to the next level with your crush.


Wear something you feel great in, and go out of your way to talk to anyone and everyone. It's one of those "anything can happen" days, in the most fabulous way.


Try to separate illusion from reality in the realm of romance. It might be difficult because these two things are always close together for you, but it's absolutely necessary.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.