Your Daily Singles Horoscope for August 09, 2021

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You're feeling the urge to clean house -- on many levels! Spend extra time tidying up your living space, but when you're all done, think about cleaning out some old emotional baggage as well.


Did that gadget just leap into your shopping cart when you weren't looking? While you're being impulsive, you should buy someone a drink. The results are likely to be quite impressive!


You're going over every moment of your recent dates in your head, and possibly wondering if you said exactly the right things. You need to relax and try not to think things through so much for now.


You've got a lot going on right now! Take a hard look at it all and decide what can stay and what you should cut loose. When you have less to deal with, you can focus on your love life again.


You're in the mood for a party! Now is the time to check out that new spot getting all the buzz. Spend extra time getting ready for what's to come and you're sure to turn all the right heads.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Communication is sure to be difficult today. If you feel tongue-tied, give yourself more time to organize your thoughts. If you're uncertain how to respond to that email from your crush, just sleep on it. The words are sure to flow tomorrow!


Showing that new friend around one of your favorite spots is the perfect way to get to know each other. Sharing experiences gives you lots to talk about later, especially if they feel the same way you do.


Can you resist temptation? A better question: Do you really want to? Something (or someone) seemingly irresistible is coming your way. Give in! You may regret it if you don't.


Keeping up with your calendar is exhausting on a day like today! Sometimes it can be good to take a break and just spend a little time alone. Focus your energy inward and give yourself space and time to relax.


Keep any conversations with potential mates fairly brief today. If you're responding to profiles, say just enough to get their attention and leave them wanting more.


Words flow easily for the time being, so this a good time to update your profile. Make it stand out with some offbeat, unique details. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to attract the right people.


Try multi-tasking as you search for love. That dating profile is a great idea, but you shouldn't stop there. Work your social networking sites -- and don't forget to get and about and meet people in real time.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙