Your Daily Singles Horoscope for April 22, 2023

Though the peace of single life can’t be beat, it’s always nice to have someone to curl up with at the end of the day. The path to your next cuddle buddy is only a click away with our singles horoscope.


You finally landed a date with the person you've been dreaming about. It's normal to be nervous, but they're probably nervous too! When evening comes, you'll be confident and ready.


You want to start something? The stars say it's a great time to get romantic ventures off the ground. Focus on one potential romance and see what happens.


You may be experiencing a setback in a relationship you thought was a sure thing. Give it some time and a little space. Do something special for yourself to keep your mind off it.


Your life is a little out of balance now. It's time to gather up your friends and meet at your favorite spot. Spending time around people who care about you helps you find your center again.


A good friend has shown you much kindness, and now you can return the favor when they come to you for advice. Listen with you heart, then share your own experiences. Your opinion means a lot.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


If you want someone, they don't stand a chance. Hold on. Move slowly and deliberately and you might find that the journey brings you to an entirely new set of desires. Be a little more flexible.


You like to do things according to your plan. When someone new changes things, it takes a while to adjust. By making room in your life to accommodate another person, it can result in greater happiness for you.


Finally, you know what you require from love. Write it all down before this burst of inspiration disappears. Now that you have some definitive standards, you can find the person who fits them.


You're feeling a bit of a money crunch right now, but don't let that keep you from having a great time. Check out free stuff to do, and see what attractive thing catches your eye!


Anyone wanting to go out with you better know that it takes a lot of stamina to keep up with you! Work out some of that energy on the dance floor. You could keep going until the sun comes up.


Doing the right thing all the time takes discipline, and you've got plenty. How about letting loose and letting your wild side out for a while? You may find your wild side wants to stay out for good!


Don't be afraid to ask for the assistance of friends in high places, especially if they can help you in your search for love. If you know someone who can hook you up, take them up on it!

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!