Your Daily MomScope for September 30, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You may have to step in and take control of a situation surrounding your child today. It could be at school or day care, somewhere there is a need for someone to get things organized and going in a productive direction.


Are there aliens among us? Today, it may seem so what with the oddball characters you and your little tyke encounter. Keep a sense of humor and live and let live. It's best to not try to change anyone's opinion today.


Time to hit 'refresh' on your point of view! Today, you will want to join with others, either online or as part of a Mommy and Me or other club, to swap ideas. Exchanges will be lively and fun today if you stay flexible.


Money will likely be on your mind today, perhaps because your little one needs some new clothes for spring. Even though you'd rather buy new, secondhand is a more economic alternative. Look into arranging a swap with other moms.


Make sure you are adaptable and patient with your little one today. To paraphrase, you can't always get what you want (a tyke who does what you say right away). But you will get what you need (eventually they comply).

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


Did you say you were going to stick to the routine today? Your little tyke may have other ideas! But if you cajole rather than dictate, you'll find you both enjoy making it up as you go merrily along. It's going to be great.


Go-Fish-Old-Maid-in-Candyland, anyone? This is a great day to play games with your little tyke, especially if they're ones you invent yourselves. It will make being stuck in the car in traffic or waiting in line that much easier.


If it feels like you and your kiddo are spinning your wheels, it could be because you're in a rut. Today, stay open to new ideas that will help you both to branch out or experience something new. See what happens next.


Today, you may grow impatient when your tyke is unable to comprehend new ideas as quickly as you'd like. It's just that their mind works in mysterious ways that you might not even appreciate quite yet. Do your own thing while they do theirs.


What with the changeable weather, you may find your plans might not go as expected. Having a contingency plan just might save the day. If your little one's outdoor tea party is rained out, the living room will work just fine.


Energy to spare, that you have. But now what? Since cooperation is hard to come by today, it's best to make your own efforts to channel it productively. Focus on doing whatever feels right for now, and you'll figure it out tomorrow.


It's another productive day, but that's no reason why you can't spend time daydreaming about the future. A mansion in Boca Raton for you, for your child a thrilling career as a firefighter, dancer, police officer, astronaut or -- who knows?

Need a quick answer? Yes/No Tarot will offer guidance right now!