Your Daily MomScope for September 29, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You can take life pretty much as it comes today -- because most things will fall neatly into place with little effort on your part. Keep an open mind when your other half proposes a weekend getaway. There might be a way to make it happen.


You're everyone's rock, but today you need to lean on a mom friend. You'll never know until you ask, so go ahead. Fortunately, this person's insight is both keen and useful.


Creative thinking doesn't just mean showing the kids how to make a space ship out of a cardboard box. Today, it can help you bring a dream closer to reality. Check out the real estate or employment listings -- just map out a financial strategy.


You get strong vibes about people today, and mostly they're right on target. You may anticipate an invite out for lunch with the girls. Or, pick up on the fact that your other half shares your romantic mood tonight.


Time to buy baby some art supplies! After all, those creative skills need encouragement, and they require materials to practice their technique. Some new crayons, stickers or construction paper might be a good purchase.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


Your baby likes to move at their own pace. They need to take baby steps -- literally and figuratively. Let them do so while you get on with your own challenges. Such as staying on the treadmill long enough to do some good.


You may find the daily routine erratic today, but that shouldn't bother you. As long as the tyke gets in the essential things (eating, napping, playing, crying), the rest will fall into place. So don't sweat it.


Your little one may awake from a bad dream, and only you can help make it go away. Hugs help a lot, as will some non-scary stories and a hot drink. But it's the way you listen to their fears that's the best anti-monster potion of all.


This is one of those days when you have trouble getting your feet off the ground. Every time you stop for a rest, the tyke has a big idea, like swinging on the swings. Do take breaks and get ready to make a big leap later.


It's a great day for some creative thinking, which will give you the advantage. When you get right down to it, there are endless new ways to approach old problem. You're able to pinpoint the most productive ones today.


Hit the mall for some shopping. As usual, you spot the on-trend fashion items in a flash. Your taste today is likely a little 'out there' for the tyke, though, so let them make their own choices within the budget.


Many people say you live in the world of fantasy, but today you take over! With intuition the law of the land, you know just what to do about that pet project. And what baby's really fussing about, and how to fix it with a hug.

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