Your Daily MomScope for September 27, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


'Curioser and curioser,' said Alice. Today, you will want to steer your child towards new experiences and things to learn. Partly because it's good for them. But also because you are curious yourself and want to know more.


To have the very best day possible with your kiddo, try to see things from another perspective. You get easily locked into the same old way of doing things, but they sure don't. Try to understand things from their point of view, and to attempt something new.


The swing-set lesson: Go too high too fast and you may come down to earth with a thud! Today, you may be tempted to go to extremes when dealing with your child. But you'll get further taking a more measured approach, even if that means a lot of back-and-forths.


You'll want to focus on practical goals today. You may find that trouble with coworkers distracts you. Don't get so caught up in office drama that you neglect your work. It's best to save any big moves for another day.


You will find that your baby (any maybe you, too) has issues with authority today. They may overreact when told what they can or cannot do. It's up to you to help them cool it and deal with it in a more mature way.

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What color is a hiccup? Burple! Even though you have to force yourself, don't spoil your little one's good spirits today. You easily can complete all that you must do and still find time for a little fun and games with them.


A chaotic start to the day finds you striving for balance. Before too long, though, you find a way to make sure your little one has time to play, nap, learn and just hang out doing nothing. Now do the same for yourself!


It's the bickering that will get to you today, whether between children or grownups who act like them. You'll feel better if you focus on a pet project. Revise and refine your ideas; save your big pitch for some other day.


You'll likely take a giant step forward towards an important goal. It's a good time to discuss your dreams with a colleague, as other people will want to share their expertise with you. Your usual direct approach works best today.


If at first, you don't succeed, throw your plan out the window! Early in the day, this course may tempt you. But if you persevere, before the sun sets you will find you are making progress -- not as quickly as you would like, but it is progress.


Reaching out to other people is important early in the day. Don't be surprised if you find yourself on the phone and sending an email at the same time! Later, talk may turn to gossip or infighting in a way that will turn you off.


This promises to be a highly productive day, with the emphasis on practical solutions. But if a coworker asks if you are running for 'Employee of the Year,' you might be overdoing it. You'll get farther if you pace yourself.

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