Your Daily MomScope for September 24, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your little tyke had better watch out. Because though on the outside you may appear very agreeable and charming today, there is a hidden agenda. If they're not careful, they just might find themselves doing some extra chores without fussing. Oh, my!


This day finds you in a divinely decadent mood. A chance to play hooky from work for a while could provide a chance to indulge in some shopping for luxuries. And your family should love that gourmet supper from beginning to end.


Today, you may find your little one asks some tough questions that only you can answer. You'd be wise to tackle them head on and provide a straight answer. Otherwise, their little imaginations will take over and blow it all out of proportion.


The crazier the idea the better today, especially when it comes to your kiddo. Go ahead and send them off to school in all their clown costume or some other wild getup. Just think of what a hit they'll be!


You may find that it's not all black or white, right or wrong, when it comes to your little tyke today. There may be many shades of gray that you will have to help them to see. Perhaps literally, since it's a hot fashion color this season.

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Variety is the spice of life, so why not put a little international flavor on the menu? Whip up some dishes from foreign cuisines. You may find your little tyke takes to new tastes with more relish than you thought. Bon appetit!


You want your tyke to experience some new things. There're all sorts of foods to taste, music to listen to, and animals and insects to observe. Today, you'll know just how to encourage them to explore and see what they can see. And have fun!


It's inevitable. There are bound to be times when your little tyke must face someone who is a little abrasive and not all that friendly. Today, it's best to trust that you've given them the skills to deal with such people and move on.


You will find that your communication skills are going to win the day with your kiddo. The fact that they get a treat or toy that they want only when they remember the key words of 'please' and thank you' will be an important part of the lesson.


Be economical today. You usually are, but every once in a while you succumb to the lure of a designer label. Your baby cannot only make do with hand-me-downs, but totally work it! Think practically instead of showing off.


You are about to make an important discovery about your kiddo. There's something that you will learn about them today that will change the way they think about parenting tomorrow. Prepare to become excited about this transformation.


It could be your little one will have a tough day down at the daycare today. But you can make everything right again by putting their fave dishes on the menu. A special dessert -- like some fresh fruit -- will make everything just about perfect.

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