Your Daily MomScope for September 24, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Practical matters go smoothly today, such as figuring out what your baby really means when they point at the t-shirt and say 'ba!' Think about giving your wardrobe a little extra polish, so a higher-up is reminded you're pure gold.


Make believe adventures work out better than real-life excursions today. You and your little one can go on a living room safari, or online to see what adventures you might have one day. A cardboard spaceship is also a possibility.


The kiddo needs to attempt something new every once in a while, lest they get into a bit of a rut. And you're definitely in a mood to stray from the comfort zone. Pack up the little one and do something spontaneous, just you two.


Everyone you meet should be in a really good or a really bad mood today. Whichever one it is, remember what you tell your tyke: Share the joy and stash the crankiness. Then, you become part of the solution.


You're so excited about that new health regime, you can't wait to get started. Just make sure that you don't bore others describing its many wonders. Your mommy friends may be happy for you, but don't want to hear every single last detail.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


This could be the day you rise and shine before the kiddo! You and the other half are on the same page when it comes to getting through this day quickly. And on ways to celebrate the day's victories after lights out tonight.


Although you may not like it, you should set some limits with your baby. They may be feeling spry enough to scale the tippy chair. Make sure you let them know this is not going to happen, especially on your watch.


This is a better day for planning than for implementing ideas. There's that big birthday party or other project. Maybe just work on figuring logistics for now, and leave the major strategy for later.


Money matters -- a lot -- today. Your partner may be more worried than you, as you know the basics are covered. And with your ingenuity, you can also swing that special toy your little one can't live without.


This is more like it -- a high energy day in which to make some headway on the job. Show a higher up that you're the one for the new assignment. Don't be so modest when it comes to listing your past accomplishments, either.


Feel like you're losing the race to keep up with your kids? Plan activities they can do on their own, while you take some time to reflect. A little repose is refreshing and reviving, and helps you set a new strategy.


You have strong ideas about how the playgroup or day care should be run. Why won't anyone listen to you? You can call upon friends in high places, whether you know it or not. Many voices are stronger than one today.

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