Your Daily MomScope for September 16, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Flexibility is the key today. Be ready to adapt to some changes of routine, such as a cancelled birthday party. If the tyke can't go have fun with their friends, improvise an impromptu tea party or other enjoyable activity.


Your attempts to show the kiddo a good time might not work out today. Maybe the showing of the movie they wanted to see is sold out, or some other minor disappointment befalls. But you know just what will cheer them up -- and yourself as well.


A family member might say something to upset you. It will only bother you if you choose to react negatively, though. Once you delve more deeply into the matter, you'll be able to laugh at the silly misunderstanding.


This is a wonderful day to catch up on your work. Less pressure on the job means it's easier to attack the backlog. You have an eagle eye for detail now, such as that tiny stain or tear on the kiddo's favorite pair of jeans.


You're more subdued than usual as you head to the mall. Your budget will benefit as you scale back on the spending. The tyke may not appreciate your conservative approach today, but you're able to get them to see things your way.

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Up and at 'em, because you'll want to get a head start on a new project. If things don't go exactly as planned, step back and look at it from another angle. There's most likely a creative solution you overlooked.


Having to deal with the same old routine got you down? Like Dorothy in Oz, all you have to do is click your heels. You have the power to make this day go anyway you want it to. The tyke votes for the direction of the park.


There's no detail too small when trying to turn your kiddo's tea party into the event of the season. You'll need to help them find their finest teacups and whip up some tasty imaginary treats. You might contribute a real cookie or two.


You need a break from the routine, and some exercise wouldn't hurt. Why not sign up for some yoga or Pilates while the tyke is in day care? A little 'me' time away from them will help you find both serenity and strength.


It's a good thing you're so levelheaded and grounded, as those around you are the opposite. You may have to talk the tyke out of some hair-brain scheme such as trying to fly with cardboard wings. Stay calm as you do so.


You may have to play the critic with the little one. They might get upset with you when you point out that they have too many tantrums. But years from now when they are a perfectly behaved young person, they'll thank you.


You may have to apply some discipline today. There's a reason you must give the tyke a timeout after chasing the kitten, and it's not because you're mean. It's important they respect the rules. And not get mom mad.

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