Your Daily MomScope for September 16, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Into each life, some frustration must fall. Today would be a good day to find a constructive outlet. You might sign up for a new exercise or kick-boxing classes. Or, make a play dough woman in the shape of your boss -- then tell it off!


Today, you couldn't be happier than when you're spending time with your tyke playing games and learning new things. For now, that's all you need or want!


Sour apples, sour grapes, sour baby! It could be your child will pout today when they don't get what they want. You could give into them, but if you hold your ground you'll find a way to dry their tears and even get a smile.


There's no time like the present to make a new beginning. Now that your little tyke is on a regular schedule, think about signing up for a class yourself. Art or pottery or haiku, just make sure it's something that thrills you.


You may start to notice that you are more introverted than usual today. You can't always be the life of the party, but you can learn a lot by hanging back and observing your little one from the sidelines.

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Today is a good time to mingle with other moms, whether at the playground or mall or soccer field or dance school. You will find spending time with them today energizes you.


'But I wanted (sob) the blue one!' Your little one's emotional attachments and crochets may throw you off schedule today. But respecting their tender feelings is all part of the mom job, and by day's end, it's all sunshine and smiles.


Let yourself go! Sled down the hill with your kiddo, learn to belly dance or have a belly laugh. You can make the most of this day by resisting the urge to control everything and to just let loose and enjoy yourself for a while.


When in doubt today, go with your baby's mood. You'll find you're able to anticipate what's going to happen next. If they seem extra antsy around bedtime, surprise them by reading until they fall asleep.


When you're at work, you want to be back home with the tyke. When you're at home, you wish you were out with the girls. You may have trouble getting focused today, but once you do you'll find you can get a lot done.


'But Mom, you know I wanted the (sob) red one!' Today, you may find that your little one's emotions get the better of them -- and get on your nerves. This is just a phase, though, and nothing you can't deal with.


Don't be surprised if your kiddo is dead set on performing today. Fortunately, your creative juices are flowing when it comes to helping them make puppets or set up a stage. Who knew being stage manager could be so much fun?

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