Your Daily MomScope for September 02, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Females, whether a sister or aunt or friend, will play a key role in your life today. Be as nice as possible to them today. In the near future, you will need a babysitter or some other form of help that only they can provide.


This is a good day to just hang around the house and do as little as possible. If you can, you and the tyke should take a few hours off from any obligations, social or otherwise, and just enjoy each other's company for a while.


Ah, isn't that cute? It's a great day to show your little one all those old photo albums, though you may be too sentimental to part with them. Enjoy the trip down memory lane, and leave the serious closet cleaning for another day.


Today, the spotlight will be on you rather than your tyke. Go ahead and 'Sing out, Louise!' -- whether literally with a special song or metaphorically by taking credit for one of your unique talents or abilities.


You may be called upon to show what a great friend you can be. Fortunately, this is easy for you. Your natural warmth and goodwill help instantly lift someone else's spirits. You'll be closer in the future as a result.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


It's the perfect day for a gathering, the bigger the better, be it of family or friends you feel particularly close to. Go ahead and widen the circle for you and your kiddo -- include friends of friends on the list.


What goes around, comes around -- but in a good way today. You and your little one will find that the affection you cast upon the waters comes back at floodtide. Enjoy the hug fest with all those you care about.


We all take a tumble now and then. And learning how to pick ourselves up and go on is very important. Today, you should remember to loosen your grip on your baby -- literally or figuratively -- and let them make their own mistakes.


This is a day for deep questioning, and you'll want to devote some time to it. 'Why am I here?' is a good one to ponder. Why your kiddo won't eat peas once they've touched carrots will forever remain a mystery.


Take a one-day vacation from being in charge, and let your partner call the shots. You'll be mostly pleased with the results, but you should still feel free to make some tactful suggestions, especially when it comes to your child.


Sometimes trying to organize your emotions is like herding cats. Today, you may find something your child says or does will remind you of how quickly they are growing, which will strike a sentimental mood. Just go with the flow and it will pass.


Can you stand yet another breathless heroine being swept off her feet and crushed against a manly chest? Maybe it's time to turf the novels and think about starring in a real-life romance scenario. Get busy on that plot twist now.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.