Your Daily MomScope for September 02, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


There's someone at work today who likes to spread rumors about others, and you may have to deal with this. You'll find just the right approach today. Your reputation may be slightly dented, but is easily mended.


This would be a good time to take a personal day, either formally or just by declaring your own 'Mom Day.' Hit the salon or have a long lunch or bubble bath. Just make sure to indulge in as many simple pleasures as you can.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Today would be a good day to help your child try new things. They might be scared of failing, so remind them to try their hardest and whatever the result it's fine by you.


Finding a balance is a priority today. Between the things you 'must do' (go to work, clean the house) and things you 'want to do' (play with your baby all day) you can work it all in and have a wonderful day.


Seek a position of authority, and today you will most likely find it. It might be a job you've wanted or that you'll chair a volunteer committee. Speak up and let others know you're interested; network for all you're worth.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


It takes dedication to make things work, a point you may have to make today. It could be your tyke wants to give up on hockey or ballet or music classes. But you can help them see that sticking with it will pay off down the line.


An issue you thought was dead and buried could come back to haunt you today. It might be a favor you promised to do, or maybe something you borrowed and haven't returned. Whatever it is, today is an optimum time to deal with it.


This is a good day to work on communication skills with your tyke. The telephone game -- where you say something and it's passed around until it turns into something else -- is a fun way to impress upon them the need to speak clearly.


Best not be too freewheeling with the cash today. Before you head to the mall, go over your tyke's ginormous list of all the things they 'gotta' have. You can cut it down to normal size and still keep them happy.


This is a great day for new beginnings. You might start a new project with your little one, or you and your partner will turn over a page in your relationship. Communication is the key to making the most of it.


It would be nice if life were one long free-form playtime with an endless supply of toys and art supplies. But sometimes, like today, it's best to limit your activities and apply a little self-discipline. See what happens.


Today, you will want to try something new. You will have your tyke's wholehearted support if it involves pizza for supper or going to a new park or playground. But that improved method for imposing timeouts? Not so much.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.