Your Daily MomScope for October 27, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Go ahead and run those errands and pick up all the stuff your tot can't live without. There's just one pitfall at the mall, though, as you may forget to read the fine print on a warranty. Don't sign anything until you do.


Has the kiddo got selective deafness -- as in tuning only you out? You should share your problems with other moms today. They might not be able to help you out all that much, but it's nice to know someone's listening.


Maybe it's true you can have it all -- but probably not today! There are so many things for you and the little one to attend to. Figure out what's most important and focus on it then everything will fall in place.


Let others nitpick today. Go ahead and focus on the free-flowing and intuitive side of things. You know just when a coworker needs a cheer-up session, and that a quick visit from the tyke is the perfect pick-me-up.


It's best to act on instinct today. Listen to your intuition when it tells you whether a financial matter is a go. You'll also know what's right to say when the tyke asks about the birds and the bees.

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You may not be able to accomplish all you set out to do today -- but it won't bother you. There's just too much fun to be had along the way for you and the little one. The chores will wait, so why worry?


This is a good day to share your many gifts. Why not invite that nice mom from playgroup over? Or offer to give her redecorating project your unique and special touch, and she'll really appreciate your expert input.


Dreams can come true for you today. Like when your other half takes you away from it all, out for a night on the town. At the very least you should be able to share a few stolen moments on the couch later.


This is a good day to expand your horizons. Maybe there's a park or mall on the other side of town the kiddo would like to explore with you. Take plenty of supplies for the trip and take time to check it all out.


It's okay that you've pinned your little one's latest masterpiece to the office billboard -- you're so proud of them! Let their creativity inspire you to try a more right-brained approach to a business problem.


Deeds count more than words to express your compassion today. Make a gesture in support of a children's cause dear to your heart. And later your other half will appreciate one that shows you understand and care.


You're full of ideas, but will they fly? Send up a trial balloon with the boss, such as that project you want to take on. But the brilliant one about chores for the tyke may go over like a lead balloon. Keep trying.

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