Your Daily MomScope for October 21, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Opportunity knocks once -- so open the door! Someone, somewhere, really wants to come to your assistance. You can let them do so without losing your independence. Which is something you should encourage in your kiddo today.


If you're not on the road today, you soon will be. Traveling to visit friends or relations is favored. You can have fun and still keep an eye on the cash or calorie budget -- which will set a good example for the kids.


Taking a hard-line stance might be needed to keep your kiddo on track. They have been making such wonderful strides in school, or in learning how to chatter and count. It's up to you to insure they keep up the good work no matter what.


If anyone knows how to turn lemons into lemonade, it's you. Today it won't take as much effort as you thought to turn any challenge into something wonderful. You even find a way to turn your partner's sour mood this evening.


It's a great day to launch a new exercise regime. Pumping some endorphins is just what your brain needs now. If you can't find anyone to go along with you, join a new class without a workout buddy. What's important is that you get moving!

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It's a day when you hit the ground running. Try to pace yourself with all the busy-ness, lest your kiddo feel neglected. Of course, that might mean they get to 'help' you make the cake, which will be fun if a bit messy.


Someday you'll be glad your kiddo is ready to head off and do their own thing. But for now you just want them to stay home with you! Take comfort in the time you spend together today, but resist the urge to be a hovering 'helicopter mom.'


You'll likely be in a good mood all day, although you can't figure out why. Watch how your baby just enjoys life, as if they'll never have a care in the world. If you stop talking yourself out of it, you'll enjoy the same good spirits.


This is a good day to do something different with the kids -- and it doesn't need to have a high price tag. Take in a concert or stroll through an art gallery. You'll both be inspired by all the wondrous creativity.


Forget what you were going to wear -- get out your best outfit! This is a great day for getting recognition for past hard work as a mom, and you'll want to look good. And if you need to talk about it, book lunch with a confidante.


All your big ideas seem to fall on deaf ears. The boss won't read your proposal, and your little one refuses to listen to the virtues of strained peaches. Speak up anyway, as it's only a matter of time before they see reason.


Your exceptional people skills are needed today. You may have to step in and negotiate a truce between family members. Or you'll gently convince the kiddos the game of hide-and-seek will go better once they take turns being 'it.'

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.