Your Daily MomScope for October 05, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You think that you shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree? If you look around, you and your little one might see plenty of things that inspire some free verse or another form of artistic expression. Start with that pretty leaf and see where it leads you both.


It's all about culture for you and your kiddo today. Make sure you do something creative or artistic when you have some downtime together today. This could involve having them paint or draw, while you work on your scrapbook or mom blog.


Someone could be sulking today -- not your tyke, but perhaps your other half. You may have become so involved in your child's growing schedule of activities that you've neglected your partner. A little extra TLC will make up for it, though.


This is a great day to pay attention to things that need doing around the house. If you and your other half put your heads together, you can most likely find a way to finance that remodeling or redecorating project you've had in mind for a while.


Isn't it nice when your needs are met by others? If yours are simple, such as asking your kiddo to bring you a glass of water, then fine. But if it involves having them fan you with feathers and hold all your calls, you may have gone too far!

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You're in a mood to surround yourself with beautiful things for your family to enjoy. With money still tight, this would be a good day to sidestep the mall and head for the second-hand stores instead. You're sure to turn up a bargain or two.


Get ready for a high-energy day! You need a new project towards which to channel all that energy. At some point today, between the day care run and the shopping and work and picking up dinner, you will know exactly what that mission will be.


Peace of mind may be elusive today. To catch hold of some, follow the lead of your kiddo: After you rake the leaves, make sure to jump in the pile and whoop it up. Life can be very good when you remember to enjoy the simple pleasures.


Knock, knock. Who's there? Alvin! Alvin who? Alvin a great time, what about you? Everywhere you go today, fun and laughter seem to follow you and your kiddo. You'll both easily make new friends, and find new ways to share the good vibes.


I hear a symphony! An orchestra may claim your child's attention today, perhaps because they want to play in the school band. This might be a good day to explore which instrument they could master now or how you could make it happen for them in the future.


What do you call a kitten drinking lemonade? A sourpuss! Today, it will be difficult to turn your tyke's frown upside down, but you will do it. You're in a great mood and not about to let anyone bring you down today!


Out with the old, in with the new -- particularly when it comes to your tyke's clothes. Once they have grown out of those onesies or that outfit, why not take a picture if you want to remember it, and then give it to someone who can use it.

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