Your Daily MomScope for November 25, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your child is an inspiration at playgroup. Watch how they selflessly give that last toy to another tot. Today, you might show where they learned such generous impulses by bringing extra lemon bars or a special tea for all the moms.


If your kiddo has the blahs, encourage them to put those ideas into action. Have them send out the invitations to that big tea party, or to get that puppet show script written. And the sooner the better!


Are you ready for a debate? Since your little one's communication skills are improving so much, encourage them to express themselves and argue effectively. Except when it comes to your directions, then it's discussion closed!


It's never too soon to begin to teach your kiddo the value of a dollar. They might do more chores if they want a bigger allowance. And by figuring out how much it will take to buy that toy they'll learn about arithmetic and saving.


Today, you swell with pride in your little tyke and all their accomplishments. How do you know when it's overblown? If you're literally shouting from the rooftops or taking out a billboard on the corner, then you've gone too far!

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Be on the lookout for overbearing people in your life today -- but you can only dodge your in-laws so long! Escape if you can and spend time with your little one. You'll both enjoy making it up as you go along today.


Your little one will likely look to you for answers today. Some, like 'where is my binky?' will be easy to answer. Others, such as 'why does Uncle Fred's new toupee look like a dead squirrel?' will be more difficult.


Everywhere you go, little eyes follow you. Today, more than usual, your little one is taking note of every little thing you do, the good and the bad. You might want to emphasize the former rather than the latter now.


Big journeys are in store today. It could be metaphorical -- like the process of bringing up baby in this postmodern world -- or it could be literal, like your child's first big sleepover all the way across town at Grandma's.


Sometimes the best form of government is an enlightened dictatorship. Today, lay down the law for your little one, but be sure to carefully explain any new rules. If they still resist, invoke the 'because I said so' clause.


Today, you will be reminded of the value of compromise. For instance, your little one might want to stay up late, just like they did recently. But if it's a school night, only grant an extra half hour.


This is the perfect day to get a jump on that healthier lifestyle change you've been wanting to make. Make it less about going on a diet and more about healthy tweaks to your lifestyle, and you'll find it's a joy to get with the new program.

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