Your Daily MomScope for November 23, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


The day begins on a low-key but happy note. You're drawn to such quiet pursuits as a little shopping or taking in a chick flick with the girls. You'll share some deep thoughts about what it means to be a mom.


This is one day when you can afford to be less practical. Encourage your little one to dream big. Together, explore the power of positive thinking as you set your own goals for the year ahead.


Dreaming of changing more than diapers in the future? Your wish list may include a new job or expanded horizons. Go ahead and explore your options today, and set some obtainable goals for you and your family.


This is a good day for dreaming about the future-- and there's no reason it has to be a solitary pastime. Make goal setting a family affair. The little one's input will be imaginative and inspiring.


You have a list of things you feel your brood should be making. But the tyke may fly off the handle if you push too hard. Set your own goals and make a few suggestions, and they'll soon see the light.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


This is a day for peaceful pursuits. Family harmony will prevail if you resist offering too many suggestions for improvement. Forget this for and just go for a long walk together.


This is a good day to appreciate the smaller things in life with your loved ones. Go for a walk with the tyke and take in the wonders around you.


Today is all about your creative side. Work on your mommy blog, post to the family website or compose new pages for your scrapbook -- including your little one's exploits, of course!


You may begin to rethink your usual open-door policy. Friends and relatives might feel free to always drop in, and the tyke's gang is camped in the backyard. Limit the drop-ins to only weekends.


Keep your feet on the ground today. You're tempted to shoot for the moon. Lower your sights and aim for more attainable goals, such as a raise at work or helping the tyke master the walking thing.


Friends and relatives seem to think you declared an open house today. Fortunately, you welcome all surprise visitors with open arms. Keep an eye on the tyke, who may not have quite your stamina for entertaining.


Today is all about your creative side. Offer to contribute to a play the kiddo's school is planning. You'll be in your element, whether you direct or design costumes.

Discover why 2022 is the year you've been waiting for with your 2022 Premium Horoscope