Your Daily MomScope for November 23, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Every time you let your kiddo have a piggy back ride, it helps them see what the world looks like from a much taller vantage point. Today, you too will benefit from finding a new point of view -- and may learn a valuable lesson.


A busy day is on tap for you and your little one. You should be able to breeze through your to-do list in record time. Somewhere along the way someone may try to preach to you about your child-rearing, but are easily ignored.


You can't dodge that mom with a clipboard forever. Sooner or later you're going to have to make good on your promise to serve on the group or committee. Today is a good day to get involved in such activities, which could prove more enjoyable than anticipated.


It's hard to find a shoulder to cry on today. Your kiddo's is way too small (not that you would think of burdening them anyway) and most of your friends seem distant and aloof. In the end, you'll find self-reliance more rewarding anyway.


Get yourself and the tyke organized. This is one day you'll want to get the jump on shopping or other chores. You know exactly what you want to get for you and your kiddo. Scout out the best bargains -- then pounce.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


You're able to wrestle the chaos around you into some sort of order. Somehow breakfast requests will be filled, tykes strapped in car seats and off you go. And if you take a new route to the mall, you just might beat the traffic.


Your kiddo has ambitions. Encourage them in the positive ones, such as continuing to learn and grow and become a great member of the family and society. Discourage that one about becoming the cookie eating champion of the world.


Thanks to your groundwork, your kiddo works well with others. Make sure they partner up with the other kids at daycare to plan that big tea party or to build that fort with the cushions and blankets. You'll have lots of fun watching them work.


What do you do if a rhino charges you? Give them a charge card! You might want to hold off on the trip to the mall as the urge to overspend can be overwhelming today. Work off your restlessness by taking your kiddo for a hike or walk.


Even though you have a gazillion things on your mind, remember to begin your day with your tyke with praise. Focus on one of their accomplishments, and make sure they know how proud you are of them. That will get them off to a good start!


You may have to apply a little discipline today. Sometimes there simply is no reasoning with your little ones, especially when they become keyed up about something. Steer them towards productive outlets, such as helping you with the many chores.


One day your little precious will be able to accomplish the dreams that dance in their eyes today. Let them dream big. It's your job to point them in the right direction and help make even improbable things come true.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!