Your Daily MomScope for November 22, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You're ready to forge ahead on that solo project. Taking the initiative wins you points, on and off the job, though you may not achieve all your goals. For now, what's most important is that you come up with a dynamite plan.


Try to see things from your kiddo's perspective. Perhaps while at the supermarket they thought you wanted them to open the jar and taste the jam for you. They were just being helpful -- really they were -- so cut them some slack.


Your ambitions are fired, and you'll likely give some thought as to ways of upping your income. For now, it's all in the planning stages, so leave time to go swimming or biking or other fun activities with your tyke.


What do you call a lease of false teeth? A dental rental! Today, you may need a good supply of jokes and other diversionary measures to take your tyke's mind off a trip to the dentist or some other unpleasantness. Your words have the power to heal.


You'll want to make every effort to make a good impression today. As usual, your little one is dressed to the nines and has had a refresher course in good manners. Make sure you spend equal time on yourself; your confidence level will soar.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


It takes dedication to make things work. You know this well and may teach your kiddo this valuable lesson today. Learning to ride their bike without training wheels isn't easy, but they'll do it if they put their mind to it and work hard.


Some things you can sweep under the rug indefinitely and some you cannot. Today, old issues may have to be dealt with. Face them head on and deal with them squarely. Once they are resolved, you can face the future with more confidence.


It's a good day to focus on planning and implementing ideas. There's that big birthday party for your friend and the backyard fort for the little one. The sooner you get going, the better -- time's a wasting!


Time to share the wealth, as in a little philanthropy. Urge your little one to find a cause they can get excited about and make a contribution to. If they don't have extra toys or books or clothes, they can always give time.


Your little one has been able to impress their day care providers, mostly with their hard work to achieve big goals. Today, you will likely do the same with those at work or on the committee. Play up your many accomplishments.


The best way to avoid a blue mood is to set some goals early in the day. Otherwise, you will find that you tend to flail around and accomplish very little. You'll feel much better and enjoy your child more once you have a clear plan of action.


Everyone is on board today for that work or committee project. You'll enjoy the teamwork with other people as you help out. One contact you make could prove your ticket to a better position, so put your best foot forward.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.