Your Daily MomScope for November 15, 2021

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Be on the lookout for selfish behavior, which can arise when you least expect it today. Even though there are plenty of toys and games to go around at playgroup, don't let the little one hog them all. Encourage them to share with their buddies.


They say you know you're a mom when all your brood shows up dressed to the nines -- but you're still in your bedroom slippers. Today, your ego will get a boost from a wardrobe upgrade or simply being a bit more attentive to your appearance.


You're as fresh as a daisy today, and in no mood to let grass grow between your toes. Work feels like play, which makes the day breeze by. You don't mind at all that you must drive the tyke to dance or karate class, or that you still have shopping to do.


Much as you love your family, chances are that today they will try to drive you crazy. Dodge them if you can and grab a few precious minutes to yourself, wherever and whenever you can. Contemplate the meaning of life -- or nothing in particular.


You may tend to express yourself a little strongly today, but it's the only way to make yourself heard over the usual hubbub your child generates. Make your directions clear to the little ones, who are rather excitable today.

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You may have to help your kiddo face some minor setback as they try to achieve their goals. Like a mistaken assumption about how strong that blankie is for shimmying out of the crib. Next time, they'll know better.


This has the potential for being a super day. Need a coworker to switch shifts so you can have a day off? Sis to babysit? The sky just might be the limit favor-wise today, so go ahead and ask. You just might get what you both want and need.


If your little one wants a favor or for you to do something for them, this would be a good day for them to ask. You're more susceptible to flattery today, even a pushover. They shouldn't get too used to it, though; it won't last long.


This is one day when you will most likely prove that you are a true 'party animal.' Fun and laughter seem to follow you wherever you go today. You can make a trip to the playground feel like a big occasion for your kiddo and their friends. Let the good times roll!


If you see it, you can pretty much have it. Today, you will want to spend time visualizing your ideal career. This is no time for thinking small. Let yourself imagine making swift progress high up the ladder. Then get going.


Use your power wisely today. You may want to step in when you see a work project reeling off track. But use some tact, lest you offend a coworker. Meanwhile, it is within your power to give your little ones a special treat -- no occasion, just because.


Today, you may find you have come to a fork in the road when it comes to an important life decision. Resist the pressure to make snap decisions, though. If you take your time and follow your instincts, you'll know which path to take.

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