Your Daily MomScope for May 22, 2024

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Incorrectly! You yearn to just laze around in the hammock today. But you'll have to do some digging to come up with answers to all the more serious questions your tyke peppers you with.


Lean on me. More than one friend needs to today -- but then, you are everyone's rock. Fortunately, your insight is both keen and comforting today. You can draw upon your experience with your own tyke to help other moms.


Creative thinking is where it's at today. Find ingenious ways to spruce up that presentation or your own appearance. And do experiment with ways to make the kiddo think that summer learning is fun -- way to go!


How much time out did the little tyke get when they stole a calendar? Twelve months! You get strong vibes about people today, which will keep you on top of what your child is getting up to. Pay attention to any dreams, too.


The high price tags on things the tyke needs give you pause -- which is not a bad thing. Taking a minute or two to make sure it's really in the budget is a good thing. Your other half will thank you for not breaking the bank.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


So what if your little one didn't win Baby Idol or do something else your neighbor's child did? Let them set their own pace and develop their skills without any pressure. But those words of encouragement are always welcome.


What's so funny about eggs? They have plenty of yolks! K.I.S.S. is the best policy today. Pare down the agenda, and keep the jokes and activities on the simple side. You'll have a much better time with your little one that way.


You just know you're going to have a great day. Work goes smoothly, but mostly it's because you know you will get to see your little one at the end of it. A smile is all it takes to melt your heart, especially today.


What do you call a fairy who hasn't bathed for a while? Stinkerbell! An older relative may want to share some old jokes or memories with your child. It's a good day to listen to some chestnuts from the past.


What did the chewing gum say to the shoe? I'm stuck on you! You may be stuck for an answer about an important matter. But while indulging in some silliness with your tyke you may suddenly have a 'eureka!' moment. Make sure to follow up on it.


Your baby may have a big case of the 'gimmes' today, craving all sorts of new toys and games. Instead of stretching the budget to accommodate these demands, arrange a swap session with other tots -- it'll be fun and economical.


You have tremendous insight, even more so than usual today. Use it to tap into what your baby is really thinking. It will tell you whether that smile is happiness or just gas. And when they want 'up' or 'down.'

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.