Your Daily MomScope for May 21, 2024

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Get out and mingle! Joining a new mommy group or other organization will provide some instant (almost) best friends. Just make sure they don't convince you to sign up for more volunteer work than you can handle.


A relative or one of your kiddo's friends may try to get a rise out of you by acting a little strangely. If you allow yourself to be upset, then they win. If you simply ignore it, the advantage is entirely yours.


Creative thinking is where it's at today. Spruce up that presentation, and get ready to spring it on the boss real soon. And do experiment in other ways, such as putting zucchini in the cookies so your kiddo will get their veggies without knowing it!


Same old picnic fare? Same old beach, same old sand? You may find that you want to break out of old patterns today. Heartily encourage your kiddo to sample new foods and experiences along with you, and they'll be glad they tried.


Look out for your kiddo today, but resist being a 'smother mother.' It's good to want to keep them from all harm. But when you insist they wear two life preservers in the wading pool, you've probably gone way too far.

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So what if your little one hasn't mastered ball rolling or some other skill when your neighbor's baby has? Let them set their own pace and develop their skills without criticism. Words of encouragement are always welcome.


Knock, knock. Who's there? Noah. Noah who? Noah don't want another cookie! Today, you may want to escape your tyke's silliness and make an intellectual connection. Get together with a friend who shares your taste in books or movies.


Listen to the other moms about how they handle things like nap time and time outs. It could just be there's a different way to do things that works better. Stay open to new ideas today; change it up and see what happens.


They were some good times. This is a good day to listen to others reminisce about the past. An older relative may want to share some memories. Or the tyke may tell some tales of the good ol' days of binkies and blankie.


Your little tyke's big plans may cost you. They may want to be the world's best soccer player or ballet dancer or other vocation that requires equipment and training. Make sure they're serious before you shell out.


You are innovative and original, totally your own person. Today, you may find that other moms wish they could march to their own drummer like you do. They can, if they follow your example -- and they just might!


Hey, take a break! It's okay to ask Dad or Sis to take your little one for the afternoon so you can take a long bath or do your nails or nap. Everyone else knows you deserve it, so you should believe it, too.

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