Your Daily MomScope for May 14, 2024

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Whoa! Don't let anyone, even your tyke, rush you today, as you're in no mood. Follow your instincts and take it slow early in the day. You pick up steam as the day progresses, and soon you'll be back to your old form.


Keep a sharp eye on your kiddo today. If you do, you'll likely spot something that you never noticed before but which will change the way you deal with them. And this something could change it for the better.


Get ready to offer lots of hugs. Today, someone at the playground or at day care will do something that may hurt your little tyke's feelings. Help them to understand if all of this was accidental, and how to move on.


Although you usually play your cards close to your chest, this would be a good day to open up. Your ideas are right on target, and your coworkers are more receptive to them than you think. Toot your own horn today.


Get all your necessary work done early in the day, clear your desk and get ready to roll. Because the priority soon shifts to having an exciting adventure with your little one. Just run with it. You'll both be pleased.

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Your kiddo's intense emotions are a force to be reckoned with today. But you're up to the challenge of letting them know that things can't always go their way. Often times they don't get this, being the center of the universe and all.


Your kiddo may seem to have a big case of the 'gimmes' -- as in being a bit selfish and hoarding things. It's a good idea to observe your own behavior, as you may be unconsciously doing the same. You can easily change that today.


You're in for a high-energy start to the day. You can accomplish pretty much everything you set your mind to especially in the workplace. Schedule the important stuff early on, as later you are more easily persuaded than usual.


So why are you taking so long to get your baby into their fresh onesie? Don't be surprised if you're a little slow out of the starting gate today. It may take some time to get up to your usual speed. But once you do you'll be in it to win it.


By all means, say yes when friends offer to help you today. Maybe you need someone to watch your little one while you dash to the store, or to take them on an outing so you can get some work done. Don't look any gift horses.


You know the value of giving back to your community, and your tyke also wants to be socially useful. At their age, there's not a whole lot they can do that will be obvious. But if you put your heads together, you'll figure out something.


Teach your little one how to get involved with things they don't understand. No good can come of digging around in the kitty litter, for example. Make sure they know you expect them to practice what you preach -- even when you're not looking.

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