Your Daily MomScope for May 14, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


What does a mother-in-law call a broom? Basic transportation! Perhaps yours is not so bad, but she or another relative will likely ride in today. A little quality time with the tyke should be all it takes to keep them happy.


You'll no doubt want to book at least one social event, especially if it involves other women. That way you have the option of getting into deep conversations with someone who really understands how you feel.


Your finances have been a source of concern lately. It's time to take charge and today would an excellent time to do so. If you track where the cash goes, you can then set up a budget that really works for you and the family.


This is a wonderful day to flex your assertive muscles. Much as you usually avoid confrontation, you can now stand up for what's right or what's yours, firmly and gracefully. Try this technique with a pushy coworker or day care mom.


This is a great day to show what a good leader you are. You're able to tap into the mood of the group, and intuitively know how to bring out the best in other people. You'll be able to accomplish a great deal together.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Forget your hermit ways -- you need to spend time with other people today. Joining a women's group would be an ideal outlet, so ask the moms at the playground or park if they know of a fun Mommy and Me class.


The key to today's potential is to remain flexible. You can get your work done even when the tyke calls to ask your advice about that mean kid or the puppet show costume crisis. You'll be able to save the day on many fronts.


Why, oh why, just this once couldn't Bambi's mother make it to the end of the movie? You and your kiddo better have plenty of tissues on hand in case that or some other sentimental favorite gets to you.


This is a good day to show how flexible you can be. The boss will be over the moon if you're able to take on a last-minute assignment. Or maybe you'll impress the kiddo with your incredible mastery of Downward Dog.


If you come up against a disappointment today, there's no reason to over-react. It's natural to do so if you miss a plum assignment at work or good seats at the concert. But in this case it's true something even better is yet to come.


Oh dear! They had to run that pet adoption clinic in the park, didn't they? Now the kiddo may be clamoring to adopt a cute kitty or puppy. Think carefully about all pet ownership entails before you give the nod.


After a hard day at work, the last thing you may want to do is help your baby put on puppet show or some other form of entertainment. But you'll find it more relaxing and just plain fun than you thought. It's showtime for you.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.