Your Daily MomScope for May 13, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You might notice that your baby is ready to start communicating more, whether it's that first word, first email or other milestone. Encourage them all you can, with one caution: Once they start, there's no 'off' switch!


This is a great day to get some personal communication out of the way. Elbow the young'uns off the computer or telephone so you can use them. It's about time you contacted a few people you've lost touch with.


There are lots of things going on for you today, whether in the workplace, at the day care or school. You might be caught up in a whirlwind of activities, which suits you just fine as you're definitely on a roll.


You will find you want time to yourself today -- which would be the way to go. Keep your schedule to a minimum and just work on the small stuff. Perhaps an energetic relative can take the tyke for some outdoor fun.


You may discover that you're the life of the party. Other mothers may look to you for the latest in parenting or fashion or other useful tips. Enjoy your time in the limelight today -- and share it with your bundle of joy.

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Quick reasoning skills are called for today. You may find that your tyke is swift to figure out that if you won't let them go outside to play, your other half may relent. It's up to you to head them off at the pass.


You want to experience something novel with your baby today. Perhaps there's a new exhibit at the children's museum, or a concert or puppet show in the park. You never know what you'll come across a little off the beaten track.


Make sure that you read the fine print. Of course you want to sign your baby up for all kinds of fun activities for the summer. But make sure you really know what you're getting yourself (and them) into.


Sometimes people are all talk and no action -- but today you should reverse that. Less said and more chores done today the better. It will clear the decks for a busy week ahead. And give you a great deal of inner satisfaction.


Go ahead and cut to the chase today. If your partner wants to play golf all day and leave you with the tyke, tell them straight out 'no way.' Same goes for your child demanding three extra cookies. Say one is enough -- and mean it!


You never know what will spark a romantic mood today. It could be a joke you and your other half share, a glance, a smile. Just don't be too overt in front of the little one, lest they roll their eyes and groan.


Best postpone any project that involves moving things around, at least for today. The promised supplies or helpers for that nursery revamp simply may not materialize. But know that a better time to tackle it is coming soon.

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