Your Daily MomScope for May 13, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This is a good day to start planning ahead. Your kiddo has a lot going on and so do you, and you might need a checklist to keep track of it all. It's the best way to make sure that nothing important slips through the cracks.


It's never too soon for your tyke to make a solid contribution to the running of the household. Sorting socks, stirring batter or other simple tasks help build a feeling of accomplishment based on healthy self esteem.


You may find that you're easily influenced today, particularly by the other mothers at the playground or the Mommy and Me class. Don't worry, though -- mostly such peer pressure points you in the right direction


You'll find you have a desire to break out of an old pattern and do something completely different. You might look into a flex-time or work-at-home arrangement at your job. It would be worth investigating today.


'But I want this toy, this one, this one!' There's probably a good reason why your kiddo is being so unreasonable today. And you can find it if you back off and try another approach -- then you'll both be happy.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


If you're called to give an opinion today, perhaps of your little one's drawing skills, be as tactful as possible. Criticism that is constructive is much more useful than merely pointing out obvious flaws.


The creative juices are flowing today! Let your tykes express themselves through their painting or making a special design. You'll want to take on any carving involved, though, as sharp knives don't belong in little fingers.


This is a good day to be open to new ideas, especially from your little tyke. Encourage them to think of costumes that can be made from scratch. And you might bend a little and let them wear them for a bit before going to bed.


A jack o'lantern with a Mona Lisa smile? When you and your little one spend time together today, make sure you do something related to music or art. You can inspire your child in unexpected ways.


It's never too soon for your baby to learn about finances. Let them work on a penny saved is a penny earned today, while you tackle more complicated financial issues. Look for a way to increase your family's security.


Your ambitions are fired, and you'll be in a rush to get out the door. You'll make a good impression today when making a presentation or attending a meeting. Your passion will inspire others to share your vision.


They say that the rain falls on all of us -- the good and the bad. You might have to remind your kiddo of that today when a trip or other outing doesn't turn out as they planned. Help them look on the bright side.

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