Your Daily MomScope for May 12, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You'll be thinking seriously about making a major commitment early in the day, perhaps to a community or other group. Best call a family meeting and discuss it with your partner and the tyke. They'll appreciate being kept in the loop.


Today, there's a good chance you and your little one will run up against someone whose words will inspire you. It could be at the mall, or perhaps it's someone you see on television or hear on the radio. Keep an ear peeled.


Time to stop mooning over Fabio's successor. Get your real-life hero to take you for a night out at an exotic new restaurant. It might be just the thing to spice up the romantic side of your relationship -- and for real.


Your ability to see the light in others will come in handy today. Your little tyke may be down in the dumps about something, and you'll know just what to say to make them look on the bright side of things once more.


Even if it's not a work day, you may awake with a strong sense of wanting to move up the ladder. This is a great day for setting strategy. Later, you're more concerned with finessing some one-on-one time with your other half.

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You have great insight into how things work today, which will be a great asset in getting things to work around the house. Think outside the box when it comes to your tyke, though: They need to find a way to organize all their stuff.


Since your little angel has been getting along so well with others lately it's time to think about an extended play date. Which means you can schedule another kind of date -- as in that overdue lunch with your best friend.


Your baby always seems to have lots of buddies around. Everyone likes hearing that belly laugh or the way they love to play new games. You might want to drop some of your famous reserve and try some of these tactics yourself today with your friends.


Your kiddo is original in mind and expression, yet still manages to fit in with the day care crowd. They conduct themselves in ways that make you wish you could, too. But then again, maybe you can -- give it a shot today.


This is a good day for give and take. As in you take advantage of your little one's high energy to have them do some chores. And they take away some extra allowance and a valuable lesson in making a contribution to the family.


You will realize early in the day that you really have too much on the to-do list. You can edit it effectively, though, and get the most important stuff done. Later in the day, you'll get a fresh burst of energy and may put some items back on!


It's one thing to have inspiration, but quite another to find the kind of collaboration needed to make it come true. Today, though, you could very well find that the right people come along at exactly the right moment.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.