Your Daily MomScope for May 09, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


There's a big difference between being openly frank and completely indifferent to someone else's feelings. Today, you may find that you have to impress this important lesson on your little one -- and perhaps on a coworker as well.


What! Not my little angel! Today, it's best to resist being overly righteous when it comes to your child. Upon further investigation, their behavior will likely prove less than perfect, and there will be fault on both sides.


Never mind distribution of wealth, today it's distribution of chores and other time-consuming tasks that's on your mind. But you can work out a more equitable arrangement today with your partner, though you may have to initiate the discussion.


Don't act too surprised if you find your little one coming back from day care or from the playground with a new friend or big new idea. They will be torn between the new and the old, and it's up to you to help them sort it out.


It's never too soon for your little one to share your passion for travel. They can sit beside you as you look at the websites or pictures of faraway places. Even if you can't get away now, you can always dream together!

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Hard work pays off for you today. Your Herculean efforts to get your little one to learn the alphabet or clean their room or share their toys will be richly rewarded today. Take a few moments to bask in the glow -- you've earned it.


Uh, oh. They could start mixing it up down at the playground. A big argument about who yelled dibs on the teeter-totter first or kicked over whose sandcastle could erupt. Today, it's up to you to help people overcome such tensions.


Friendship is important, but can be somewhat fluid at times. Today, you may have to help your kiddo deal with confusion as a new buddy may be met while they lose touch with another who might move away. It's all part of life.


You've been teaching your little tyke the value of friendship -- and now they've invited the whole gang over! Fortunately, impromptu parties are just your style and you know how to improvise so everyone has fun.


You're a master of persistence, but for today it's best to work on patience. Things may not be as easy as you anticipated or move ahead as quickly as you wish, but you are making progress. Just keep on keeping on.


If only you were free to pursue your dreams! Relax: Even though you have obligations to your kiddo, family and job, you know there are no limits to your potential, and in time you will fulfill it.


It's best to think before speaking to others today. Your little one, especially, may be overly sensitive to your remarks -- which will in turn prompt you to make a bigger deal of it than it need be.

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