Your Daily MomScope for May 07, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


And just when you were having the best dream ever -- your little one jumps on the bed and demands cereal. The rest of your day may not be dreamy, but it won't be half bad, either.


You can see into the future today. Like when the kiddos try to fly with those cardboard wings, you know it will all end in tears. If you can't head them off, be ready with words of consolation and maybe a band-aid for a scraped knee.


There could be some confusion around your group of moms today. It's most likely because someone said something that went around the circle and got turned into something else entirely. With a little patience you can clear things up.


Pay attention to any dreams you may have had last night, as they could provide important clues about your baby's issues. And respect the vibes you get about people today, because they're trying to tell you something you should listen to.


If it seems like you and your little one simply aren't on the same page, it's most likely because you've sent a mixed message. Today, you really should be as clear and consistent as possible to avoid any misunderstandings.

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Even though their room looks like a bomb hit it, you might want to cut your little one some slack. Let's face it -- not everyone is as organized as you are. It will take time for them to come up to your high standards, so be patient.


It's the little things that can throw you off track today, but only if you let them. You can overlook the spilled juice and other foibles. Focusing on the many, many things that are going right brings the greatest happiness today.


The kiddos have ample arts-and-crafts time, either at camp or day care. Your creative side, however, is sadly neglected. Today would be a good time to find a way to express yourself through song or blog or scrapbook.


This is a good day to expand your horizons. Somewhere, over the rainbow, there's a big world out there for you and your baby. Rev up the stroller and hit the trail. While you might not find a pot of gold, you will have a lot of fun.


You're full of good ideas and advice for your child today -- much of which may fall on deaf ears. How you communicate counts just as much as what you say now, and a more subtle approach with your loved ones works wonders.


Today, you may decide to advocate for those who have no voice, such as unwanted pets. Or you might speak up about a group that's being unfairly overlooked. Whatever cause you take up, you're sure to be effective today.


You have more good parenting ideas than you give yourself credit for, so why not try some out? Use what you've learned in a class or book to get your kiddo to try different things and expand their horizons.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.