Your Daily MomScope for March 16, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You can achieve those big dreams, though they seem just that early in the day. Later, the Moon helps your plans take on a more practical bent. Form follows function: Figure out what you want to achieve, then go get it!


This is a day to put yourself forward. With all your diligence and hard work, you've made strides towards impressing a higher up. This is a good day to step up and be counted, so wear your best high heels and stand tall.


Sometimes being a parent seems like the hardest job in the world -- and today could very well be one of those days. But if you talk it up with others at your Mommy and Me group, you'll find some really helpful advice and encouragement.


It's not a good day to speak up in that meeting. You're apt to say things without thinking them through first. Late in the day, the cosmos will usher in a period when others are more receptive to your ideas. For now bide your time.


You may start the day in an easygoing mood, but that soon changes. The Moon fires your desire to gain greater status. Chances are good you'll find a way to move at least one rung up the ladder in the weeks ahead.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Clear your desk early in the day, when you have more than enough energy for the game. Later, the Universe will put you in a philosophical mood. You may be doing some soul searching in the weeks ahead that could lead to an important breakthrough.


You may notice your kiddos have a tendency to be quite possessive today. While it's natural for them to want to hoard all of their toys and games, they should learn to share with their friends. It's up to you to encourage this.


Try some reverse psychology on your coworkers. If you try too hard to steer them in one direction, it will only set them off in another. But if you suggest the opposite, they'll go the way you originally intended.


This is a good day to examine both the big and small pictures. If you focus only on all your lofty goals, you might miss a good opportunity right in front of you. Muster as much patience and balance as you can today.


This is a good day to make your feelings known. If there's something that's been bothering you, have a heart-to-heart with your other half. You'll feel better for sharing and might hear some very good suggestions in return.


The accent is on learning today, and there are all sorts of amazing things your kiddo can find in their own backyard. Help them to appreciate the many wonders: flowers and butterflies and caterpillars and birds and more.


You may feel lost in the fog early in the day, when others send confusing signals. Later, the Moon kicks off a clearly romantic phase. Get it off to a good start by planning some quiet time with your other half by candlelight.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!