Your Daily MomScope for June 28, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Time to pull together your team. It's a great day to launch a new project, but you can't tackle everything yourself. You're at your most charming, which helps draw just the right people you need to help you accomplish those big goals.


The old routine -- any routine -- needs some added spice. Watch kiddos scarf their veggies once you cut them to look like flowers, or make a surprise picnic in the family room. With a little imagination, you'll find dozens of ways to change it up.


Loading up your child's schedule with wall-to-wall activities generally is not a good thing. But today, it would be best if they were involved in one or two supervised ones. That way you and your other half can use the hour or two together on your own.


Buzz off! It's one thing to keep a close eye on your baby. But if you hover too much, then you're a 'helicopter mom!' Let your child interact with others on their own, even if they make mistakes. It's the best way for them to learn and grow.


You're at your playful best today, which everyone around you finds infectious. Take the tyke and friends on an impromptu picnic or outing. But make sure to leave some energy for later, when romance is very much on your mind.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Today, self-improvement will be even more important than usual for you. But whose advice should you heed when it comes to raising your kiddo? Let your intuition guide you towards just the right course or book or video from the experts.


You are in a mood to appreciate beauty. Why not head for an art exhibit or concert during your lunch hour? Better yet, wait until later and bring your tyke along; then you can both be inspired by looking at wonderful works.


Always stand strong; that's your motto. Still, everyone feels vulnerable sometimes, and today it's your turn. But once you take a little 'me' time to recharge your batteries, your kiddo will find you're back to your old self once more.


What flowers grow on faces? Tulips! Who needs Fozzie the Muppet when your baby has you to tell terrible jokes? Today, your sense of humor is so infectious that no one can remain immune. Go out and spread the good cheer around with your child.


You're happy to be tackling some new projects -- now comes the planning part. You should take ample time today to get your ducks in a row. Figure out if you have the resources needed to get everything done -- and to your usual high standards.


Can February March? No, but April May! If you find that your kiddos are at loose ends, let them try a little stand-up comedy. All you have to do is make them a stage and a pretend microphone. Then step back and get ready to heckle them!


Self improvement comes in many forms. On the outer, it could be a new hairstyle or hair color, or a whole makeover. On the inner, it could be reading books or watching movies that inspire you. You'll know just which way you want to go today.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.