Your Daily MomScope for June 17, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This is a perfect time to initiate some new projects. Make plans to tackle the boss about improved working conditions in the coming week. And set aside time to help the kiddo with that important tea party.


This is a wonderful day to indulge in cultural pursuits. Check out a nearby festival for child-friendly activities. Your tyke will dive right into the chance to take in some art, music or dance in this way.


Isn't it great the way you're so popular with the other moms and your phone is ringing off the hook and your email box is full? You can always unplug for a day -- but it's unlikely that this will be the day!


This is a wonderful day for a creative partnership. You and another mom may come up with ingenious ways to pool babysitting or other resources that makes life much easier for both of you -- and for your little ones.


A friendship theme will prevail for you today. You might have all the girls over, or one special gal pal you haven't seen for a long time. Either way, it's going to be a great day for showing off pictures of your tyke.

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Go ahead -- live a little! You're in a rare extravagant mood today, especially when it comes to beautiful things. It may be hard to resist those designer sneakers for the little one, but it's really best to stay within budget today.


They say you can either have what you want or what you need. Today, you just might be able to pull off having both. You're able to charm the birds from the trees today, so wield your own private superpower wisely.


You're feeling a bit more introverted today, and a little retreat would be a good strategy. Head off to the hammock or deck chair with a good book. Maybe you can get the tyke to fan you with feathers after they bring you some iced tea.


Knock, knock. Who's there? Fuzzy! Fuzzy who? Fuzzy third time, open the door! Since everywhere you go today, fun and laughter seem to follow, you and your tyke will easily expand your social circle today.


A symphonic orchestra may claim your child's attention today. Perhaps your kiddo was introduced to musical works at camp or through a friend at day care. It might inspire them to take up playing an instrument themselves.


Why was the broom late? It over swept! You've got a million silly jokes, and no one can stay down for long around you today. Especially your child -- and showing them how to laugh at themselves is a great gift.


This is your day to help out the kiddo. They may be overwhelmed with everything that's going on at camp or day care or around the playground. They'll be thrilled when you assist them in handling it all so they can maximize the fun.

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