Your Daily MomScope for June 15, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Be on the lookout for some agitators today. There could be some kids down at the beach or sandbox kicking up a ruckus and knocking over sandcastles. But you'll be able to step in and get them to cool it.


The trouble with twin witches is that it's not easy to tell which witch is which! All around you are unexpected ways for you and your little tyke to have fun today, including making up silly rhymes. You never know what fun surprises lie in store.


This is a great day to get some work done, on and off the job. To make the most of it, though, you'll have to pay attention to details, down to the very smallest. Just be a little extra picky, and you won't overlook anything important.


This is a good day, although you may not be sure why you feel so good. Other than the fact that you have the smartest, cutest, best-behaved baby in the world. But then again, that is a wonderful reason.


Today, you'll want to reassess your strategies and plans. That's because something may come along that will throw a wrench into your previous agenda. And because it's just a good thing to do from time to time.

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What did the ocean say to the mermaid? Nothing, it just waved! Don't be too surprised if today if you have a splashing contest or indulge in some just plain silliness with your little one at the pool or beach. You'll both have a great time because of it.


A coworker's remarks may rankle or another mom may say something catty. But there's really no reason to take it so personally. And even less to hang on to the negativity, as in holding a grudge. Just let it go today.


You may have to remind yourself how important it is to keep secrets. When another mom entrusts them with vital information (like about who is having an affair with whom), you need to keep that to yourself -- as difficult as it will be.


Every once in a while, your little tyke is going to have some difficulty with authority. Today could be one of those days when they don't agree with the camp counselor or babysitter, and you'll need to help them negotiate.


Encourage your little one to connect with others far away or across a long distance. Perhaps one of their art works could be scanned and sent via e-mail -- this is a great way to help Grandma admire their handiwork.


Look beneath the surface today. Although your little angels may appear neat and clean, there may be a great deal of hidden grime from all that playing at camp or day care or playgroup. Have a look behind the ears.


Someone near your child may be a bit too critical. So what if they can't swim laps around the other tykes? They need to go at their own pace and have fun, so ensure that the other person keeps their opinions to themselves for now.

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