Your Daily MomScope for June 07, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


As they say, one person's trash is another's treasure. Who knows the real value of that old stuff in the attic or garage? This might be a good day to find out, and it'll prove a fun activity for the little ones as well.


Even though you and the tyke may have a busy day planned, there's always later. See what you can do to set the mood for a special romantic evening. The lingerie you were saving for a special occasion should do the trick.


If your boss lays on the compliments, it's most likely because they want you to put in some overtime. But it's a great day to catch up on stuff, both on and off the job. Including a little quality time with the kiddo.


The crazier the idea the better today, particularly when it comes to what your kiddo wears to day care. Go ahead and send them off in a snorkel and flippers or some other wild getup. They'll be the hit of show-and-tell!


Make sure your kiddo doesn't overindulge today. The temptation may be overwhelming, given the piles of scrumptious snacks and treats at camp or neighborhood barbecues. They should do their best to eat just until almost full.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Is there travel in the future for you and your little tyke? Even if it's just a distant dream, go ahead and make some plans. You might aim for a big trip abroad, a jaunt to the countryside or whatever your hearts desire.


Food might become a bigger deal than usual today. Perhaps your little one will decide that none of the nutritious snacks you packed for the beach will do. But as they work up an appetite, their opinion may change dramatically.


It can be easy for you to become overly attached to things today. But if your child's old swimsuit reveals enough to raise eyebrows because it's too small, or won't stay up because the elastic is worn out, then let it go!


It's easy to stop counting the calories today what with a lunch invitation and a barbecue after work. But both you and your little one should be selective about what you put on your plate. Opt for moderate portions and you'll be fine.


You may not think you are at all creative, but today you might surprise yourself -- and your kiddo. Go ahead and put pen to paper, brush to canvas or spatula to clay. Who knows what you might produce?


There are all sorts of amazing things for your kiddo to discover. This would be an excellent time to head for a garden, in the backyard or elsewhere in the community, so they can learn where all those delicious veggies really come from.


Find a unique place to have a nice dinner with the family tonight, such as a picnic out on the lawn in the park. Watch how your baby, who usually freaks out at the sight of a bug near their plate, suddenly sees them as dinner guests.

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