Your Daily MomScope for June 01, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


This would be a good day for you and baby to explore the power of positive thinking. You might just want to sit and contemplate nice things together, then make a list of all the good things in your life you're grateful for.


You are a solid contributor to both your family and community. Today it's up to you to figure out how much time and energy you have to devote to each. This is no time to spread yourself too thin, as your child needs you.


A major misunderstanding could occur at work if you don't take steps to avoid it. Be as clear as possible in all communications and don't pass on any rumors. It's best to remain very neutral and businesslike today.


Staring at that bud won't make it bloom any faster. Still, both you and your kiddo should stop and smell the roses today, if only metaphorically. You both need some downtime for some nature appreciation wherever you can get it.


By now you know that the gorilla's favorite expression is 'apsey daisy!' because your kiddo keeps repeating it over and over. This is no time to fly off the handle -- the more flexible you are today with everyone around you, the better.

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Get ready to put on your psychotherapist cap today. Strong feelings can be evoked by something like the kiddo's sandcastle getting demolished by another child. You can help them understand how to handle it.


Today you'll want to stick with current projects. You might doubt the wisdom of this course, since you're making so little progress of late. But if you keep with it, you'll find a little perseverance was worth it.


Knock, knock! Who's there? Mom! Mom who? Mom's the word! You can take your role as mom very seriously, yet still find time to play now and then. This would be an excellent day to relax and let your hair down with the kiddo.


You may find it hard to get revved up to start the day. And when your boss suggests a new assignment you're less than thrilled. But once you roll up your sleeves and get busy, there will be no stopping you today.


Is your kiddo bored with fun in the sun already? An art project will help channel their energy and keep them out of mischief today. Once they get to work on creating a masterpiece, it's peace and quiet for you.


It's easy to get sidetracked today -- but don't let it bother you. Sometimes the side roads get you to your destination more quickly than the main one. You will explore this fact literally and metaphorically on this busy day.


Send up a balloon today to see if it will fly. Maybe literally, in the park with your tyke. Or, since this is an excellent time to push the boundaries of what is possible, float those new ideas around the meeting table.

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