Your Daily MomScope for July 29, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Travel is in your immediate future. Of course, the prospect excites your kiddo! Today, they can learn their geography by finding the next fun destination on the map, even if it's only across town.


Best put off that back-to-school shopping blitz. Your tyke will ask for everything they see at the store, right when your resistance is down. This is no day to rush out and make rash purchases -- you'll find much better deals another day.


There are so many things that you and your kiddo want. Today, you could make a message of your wishes and put it in a bottle, a scrapbook, a web page -- and send them out into the universe. You both may be surprised by what comes back to you.


If you tune into your baby, you can anticipate a situation that might send them off into a tantrum. You'll find you know what they want for a snack or bedtime story without being told. Your intuition is right on target today.


You will find you are full of good energy today -- so why not share it? Your little tyke will be glad of a hand with that big sandcastle or other project. Encourage them to focus on the good and not the bad, and they'll catch your enthusiasm.

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Be on the alert. Your little one might have some issues with the other kids at day care or their playgroup. Such minor scuffles are par for the course, and you should just accept them for what they are and leave the overreaction for some other mom.


Make sure to schedule some extra time one-on-one with your partner. They have been feeling a little neglected as of late, since you've been busy getting your little tyke ready for school or day care. You can make up for it all today.


If you don't look at it then the chaos in the kiddo's room won't bother you. No use nagging or pleading: If you want them to be more methodical, you'll have to set an example and hope that they learn from it soon.


Games will be the key to keeping busy minds occupied today -- why not play a few rounds of your baby's favorites? Be warned: There's nothing that will humble you more than losing a game of checkers or Chutes and Ladders to them!


This is an excellent day to bring out your motivational speaking skills. Your child is apprehensive about so many things to come in the new school session. Your stories can inspire them to look forward with anticipation instead.


La vie boheme! You may think your little tyke will look quite fetching in that bohemian tie-dye onesie or headband, but they may stage a protest and demand a new look. Get ready for a sit-in. On your lap, that is!


Your kiddo will benefit from the fact that your love of puzzles and riddles is unleashed today. Get ready to tell them some of your favorites -- they may not solve them, but they'll get some belly laughs trying to do so.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙