Your Daily MomScope for July 29, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


A chance meeting at day care brings you face-to-face with someone from another country or culture today. Extend an invitation immediately. What a valuable lesson for the tyke to open their mind to what others might be able to teach them.


All that glitters is not gold. Resist the allure of the bright and shiny today, as you may later find the bling wasn't worth the high price tag. What's free and fun is to break out stuff you already have for a dress-up session with the tyke.


Let the good times roll on! You're a social force to be reckoned with, and no one dares turn down your invitations. Make sure the guest list includes plenty of the kiddo's pals, as they're also in a mood to spend time with friends.


You need to do something special for yourself today. Pack up the tyke and go get a massage. Or put them down for an extra-long nap -- and take one yourself! You'll be an even better mommy once you're refreshed from a little pampering.


You're raring to hit the road today. Nothing could suit you better than setting off on a big family trip, but you'll settle for an impromptu adventure with the kiddo. The mood you're in, you can make even a trip to the park an unforgettable safari!

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The tyke can't sleep through the night? Look within and visualize through their eyes: the scary shadows on the wall from the nightlight, the tree branch tapping on the window. You'll know what changes to make to get a long, well-deserved snooze.


Toss the to-do list? Well, at least put it aside for now. You need to focus on bigger ideas today. Like maybe getting involved with a community group and show the tyke how when people work together important things can get done.


There's magic everywhere! Your baby discovers you can steal their nose and put it back in a flash -- more than once. And you're able to work some wizardry with the budget that brings cheers from the other half of the joint account.


Friendship will be the key today. A like-minded mom out there is happy to lend you a hand, no matter what, no matter when. Be ready to return the favor, for a true friend like that doesn't come along every day.


It won't be easy to get organized today, but you like challenges. Tackle the toys and games strewn about the house. Offer the tyke a big reward for dragging them all back to the nursery, like a cheer fit for a superstar.


The moms from your kiddo's playgroup will come to your aid today. But first, you must signal for assistance. Just because you seem so serenely competent doesn't mean you don't need a little helping hand now and then. Just ask!


Luck is on your side as long as you keep your head down at work. Someone higher up will notice if you're taking too long a coffee break. But if applied right, your gift of the gab will be rewarded in other ways.

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