Your Daily MomScope for July 28, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


It's time to learn to count to 10, especially when dealing with a co-worker. You have very strong opinions about how things should be run, but others just aren't hearing you. The tyke is more receptive during a block-building session.


Your emotions run deep today as you watch the tyke take on a big challenge, such as heading off to a new school or day care. Focus on the positive side of the excitement. Later you can sort out your own feelings about this important day.


Make sure to take care of your health today, but don't complicate the issue. The latest fitness kick is just that. So while baby practices their leg waves in the stroller, get some exercise yourself and drink lots of water.


This is one of those days when your passion may overrule your judgment. Just because you like water doesn't mean your tyke will take to the pool like a fish. With a little thought you'll enroll them in activities right for them.


The family ties could use a little nurturing today. Perhaps you've lost touch with a parent or sibling who lives far away. Give them an update through a call or email, and don't forget to let the tyke get on the line, or online, as well.

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It's a great day for signing the tyke up for an outside course they're dying to take. While you're at it, why not check the adult schedule. You need to learn new things, too, and some grownup company once a week would be refreshing.


Time to tackle the budget. Not generally a creative activity, but you can choose to make it one. Find a gorgeous notebook or folder for your papers. Have the tyke paint their own piggy bank. See -- money can be beautiful!


Your confidence is shaken, but for no particular reason. It's actually a day when you can make very solid gains, especially at work. And when baby makes a breakthrough with the counting thing, your cup runneth over.


Your active imagination is working overtime. Not all of your ideas are winners today, so better not spring them on the boss just yet. But the one about the adventure park in the backyard complete with make-believe alligators -- priceless!


People with authority act a bit erratic today, be it your boss or the kiddo's principal. Too bad you can't give some grownups a time out! You can be a stabilizing force, though, able to calmly pinpoint the real source of any problem.


Your tyke may be confused when you urge them to meet a new baby who seems a little odd. But you're right -- this kid will make a strong connection with them that will last for years and years to come. You know better than to judge a book by its cover.


You feel like you're swimming with sharks today, but can't quite make out the telltale fins. Just keep on stroking towards your goals because your plan has teeth. Speaking of which, it may be time the tyke saw the dentist. Check the schedule.

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