Your Daily MomScope for July 19, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


The kitchen is not your natural realm, but today is an exception. Let the kiddos pitch in while making some chocolate chip cookies, and invite a friend or two. You'd be surprised what you can learn from them during their active chatter.


Run some safety checks on the home. While you're at it, include the car, down to the kiddo's seat, even though it's most likely unnecessary. At the very least it will give you extra peace of mind -- and who doesn't need that?


No one's better at multi-tasking than you, so how come you're not looking forward to today's jam-packed schedule? It's probably because you forgot to schedule some 'me' time! Once you do, you'll find there's nothing you can't handle.


Show what a good friend you can be to another mom or a co-worker who needs a helping hand. Not sure what will make them feel better? You of all moms know that a plate of chocolate chip cookies fixes most problems instantly.


Your kiddo can't seem to get away with anything today. They may stare innocently into space, but you know they were jumping on the bed. And why the cat was running so fast. They think you have magic powers. Let them.

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As summer wanes, the little one's need to get outdoors increases. Keep your first-aid kit handy, as they may have a scraped knee or two. You always know how to make it feel better, which is why their friends come to you, too.


There is so much beauty in the world around us. But how do you inspire an antsy little one to stop and smell the last roses of summer? Let them run off plenty of steam running down garden paths first. Then give your nature appreciation lesson.


You're in the mood to try a different cuisine. But will the kiddo go for real spaghetti carbonara or chicken korma? You'll never know until you try, and today their reactions -- and improved table manners -- may surprise you.


It's a day when the kiddo must take a back seat to the other half. If you get it together, you can whiz through bath and bedtime in record time. Which will leave time for a quiet dinner followed by a back rub exchange.


You may have to be direct with the other mom in the playgroup. You've dropped a lot of hints about the things she's borrowed and not returned, all to no avail. Tell her straight out you want your stuff back. Case closed.


You were out for school clothes, but passed the pet store window. Mistake! Now you must decide whether the tyke is ready for a new budgie or iguana. Since you-know-who will end up with most of the responsibility, you likely have your answer.


You're a great mother, and today you make it look easy. Why not reward yourself -- and your other half -- after the kids are tucked in? Leave a trail of rose petals that leads to the bathroom, where a hot bubbly tub and a chilled beverage await.

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