Your Daily MomScope for July 18, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Duty calls, as in an overdue trip to see the relatives. Make sure your little one does what's expected, from kissing Aunt Martha to laughing at Uncle Joe's lame jokes. It might take some prompting but will be worth it when they do you proud.


Get out and mingle! It's a great day to meet up with the Mommy and Me group or klatch of moms in the park. You need to share with women who understand you today, but you're not willing to stray too far from the tyke.


Time to tighten the belt a little. Why not get the tyke in on the act? Maybe they can wear hand-me-down school gear. And make an arithmetic game of seeing how much you can save by getting a new outfit at a discount.


The workday world is pretty much your oyster today. Time to stop clamming up about that pet project. You could crack new opportunities for advancement if you just speak up. The kiddo gives you a pep talk, which helps immensely!


You may have to stay late or prove yourself in some way at work. Once you straighten out who will pick up the tyke, you don't mind a bit. You want to show you can get the job done -- which is good, because someone notices your dedication.

Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞


You get the most energy from being with the kiddos today. Unbend a little and have a romp around the living room or build a fort with them. It's not every day you let yourself be silly, so savor every last minute of it.


You could learn a thing or two from the tyke today. Like how if you don't get the walking bit the first time, you just dust off the diaper and try again. Take everything in stride and add a little perseverance to the mix.


Not all kiddy films have happy endings, a point brought home to you today. Have the tissues handy while catching a flick or watching a video with the tyke. You're just feeling a little sentimental today, and it will pass.


You want to go for a hike, baby prefers a slow crawl. Your moods don't match, but you still can have a fun time today. Encourage independence while you keep the baby monitor on. The sound of contented coos will reassure and delight you.


First, you're totally gung-ho, ready to take the kiddo and their pals to the beach for a sandcastle tournament. Then you just want to veg in the hammock. Go with the erratic energy flow for now, and it will all even out tomorrow.


This is a day to roll up the sleeves and get stuff done around the house. But why should you be the only one? There's no time like the present to get the little one to pitch in. Start with 'All toys belong in the toy box.' What a concept!


Your kiddo's aching to create something new, and your artistic juices are flowing. Why not choreograph a dance or compose lyrics to a song they can later perform? They'll be amazed at how much you've learned over the summer.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙