Your Daily MomScope for July 09, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You -- unplugged! As summer winds down, so does your inclination to do much more than lie in a hammock and read. It's also a good day for digging up needed facts, such as the brilliant response to the burning question your tyke keeps asking.


You're everyone's rock, a point that is brought home when more than one friend needs to lean on you. Fortunately, your insight is both keen and comforting today. Your compassion is tested, though, when your tyke brings home a stray kitten.


Creative thinking doesn't just mean showing the tyke how to make a space ship out of a cardboard box. Today it can help you bring a dream closer to reality. Check out the real estate listings, map out a financial strategy, but don't sign anything just yet.


You get strong vibes about people today. But it's hard to put your finger on exactly what they're telling you. Try catching a few Zs yourself when your baby goes down for a nap. A dream you have then will clear up many issues.


The high price tags on school or art supplies today focuses your attention on the budget. A friend you bump into may have a business proposition that could bring in some cash on the side. But if it sounds too good to be true, it undoubtedly is.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


Let your tyke set the pace. Hasn't mastered ball rolling when your neighbor's baby has? Leave them be, and they'll develop their skills more quickly without any pressure. Or lead by example, and work on your own backhand.


It's all sweetness and light today as long as you ignore the spilled juice or crayon mark on the car seat. Focus instead on the many things that are going right. Such as it will take only a few honeyed words to get a 'yes' from Mom or Sis when you ask for a favor.


Your little one may awake from a bad dream, and only you can help make it go away. Hugs help a lot. And you're very good at making anti-monster magic potions -- really some colorful water in a jar you put under the bed.


This is more of a listening day. Like when your best friend vents, just smile and nod instead of offering a solution she probably won't be open to anyway. And when it comes to the tyke, expect a true 'from the mouths of babes' moment.


You can turn your little one's creative skills to your advantage today. While contemplating a scribble to 'guess what it is,' you suddenly get insight into an important matter. And there's something to be said for keeping them busy and out from under foot!


Hit the mall for some back-to-school or day-care shopping. Let the tyke be the judge of whether those multi-striped overalls make the right fashion statement, though. Your taste today is likely a little 'out there' for them.


You need to escape the everyday, and losing yourself in a bestseller would be ideal. Make sure to find the tyke a tome equally as thrilling and age-appropriate. If you both have your noses in books, you might get to finish a few chapters.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.