Your Daily MomScope for July 08, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Today's lunar energy lights up your social circle. Joining a new mommy group will provide some instant (almost) best friends. You're sure to make a shining first impression, but should resist volunteering to take on more than you can reasonably handle.


The planetary energy stirs up radical behavior in you today. You may finally give in to your tyke's pleas to paint their room hot, hot pink or with giant racing stripes. And you're the big instigator when it comes to goofy games!


A strong lunar energy puts you over the Moon! Your heart is light, your spirit carefree. In fact, you're in such a good mood you just might invite the whole 'Mommy and Me' class over. Don't forget to alert Daddy, who isn't big on surprises today.


Money matters today -- a lot. Most of your fretting is totally needless, as things will likely keep getting better in the weeks ahead. But if it will make you feel better, start or top up your tyke's education fund.


Today, the lunar energy reminds you that motherhood shouldn't be a spectator sport -- at least not today. Get hands-on and join the kiddo for a computer game or sandcastle-building contest. They may think you're a slow learner, but it's all in fun.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


Today, the Moon throws a monkey wrench in your carefully laid out routine. Your day to take the kids to soccer practice may be switched just when you're asked to put in some overtime at work. A few impromptu social invites keeps it fun.


The romantic side of your life lights up under today's lunar influence. Try to arrange a sleepover play date. Not that you want to get rid of the little one, but it will free you up to explore the thrilling possibilities when it's just you two.


Much as you don't like surprises, the lunar energy has a couple in store. A long-lost cousin might turn up on the doorstep, or grandma could show up uninvited. No matter, you're a whiz with the loaves-and-fishes routine.


Today's lunar energy gives you lots of bright ideas, probably about how to improve cooperation. Some might need a little clarification before you hit the message boards. Try writing them out for yourself first and re-reading the next day.


The lunar energy sends little lightning bolts, and in a good way. Small projects you take on now provide illuminating glimpses of a bigger, brighter future. Say 'yes' to invitations that take you where you can see and be seen.


The lunar energy triggers a flood of text messages and phone calls. Other folks just seem to want to be in your orbit, from close friends to the mom you just met at playgroup. Leave time for the romantic surprise your other half has in store.


Today's lunar energy puts you on a health kick. The kiddos may complain when you jettison the junk food, but you know it's for their own good. Take them out for a good long walk, if only because you need the exercise, too.

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