Your Daily MomScope for July 02, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


How in the world did you know that already? Today, your kiddo may discover that you know much more about many things than they thought. Now they wonder what else you know, and it's good to keep them on their toes!


Speak your mind and stand up for your opinions. But avoid becoming overly righteous in a dispute with another mom or a coworker. Your little angel might not have behaved as perfectly as you think, so make sure you have all the facts.


Is your tyke feeling a bit down or out of sorts? The solution is easier than you think! A goofy face or silly riddle may be all it takes to lift their spirits. Get out the joke books -- it's showtime for you!


Seek and you shall find. It could be literally, like your child's lost homework. Or you might take a little time for yourself to just chill and feel at peace with the world for a while. Or you could do both!


You have boundless energy today, almost as much as the kiddo. Which means you will most likely not only beat them out of bed but then set the pace for the rest of the day. They better get ready: It's going to be quite a day.

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You've got everything organized, as usual -- but then a family obligation comes along and throws a monkey wrench in the works. But all you and your little monkey have to do is go with the flow, and you'll have a great day together.


Your little tyke loves to explore, and you normally encourage them. But with so much homework due for the next couple of days, you would rather not let them out for a few days. Do your best to keep them distracted from the outside world.


Your little one may face something that seems too good to be true today. Maybe that new toy seems too wonderful or that candy too delicious. Turns out that they might just be. Help them to understand this fact of life.


Today, you may find that you admire the fine qualities of many of your fellow moms. They are generous, devoted, hard-working -- and it would be great if you could express how much you appreciate them for it.


You will want to do something cultural today with your child. There are concerts and plays or an exhibit at the children's museum. You might find taking in these wonderful works makes you feel like a kid at heart.


This has been coming for a long time. Today, your kiddo may make some sort of breakthrough, such as finally crawling on their own. With a whole new universe opening up to them, it's up to you to show them what is now possible.


Whatever you may think, the boss is going to have a different opinion today. It's not a good time to bring up the subject of extra time off or other perks. Save such discussions for another more promising time.

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