Your Daily MomScope for January 20, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Get ready to impress people. You have tremendous ambition for your baby, and today is the day you want everyone to know about it. Whether it be singing, dancing or just rolling over, it's show time for your little one.


You might find you're on the go today, but mostly to help other people. Your little one may volunteer you to drive the hockey team or dance troupe. The surprise is how much fun these excursions turn out to be!


Up and at 'em! You'll want to be an early bird today. Once you get the kiddos off to school or daycare (in record time), you can focus on new ventures. Your ideas have more power than you realize, so choose your projects wisely.


You're used to your little tyke blurting out things before they think, and at the most inopportune time. Today it's you who might spill the beans just when you shouldn't. Watch what you say around the relatives, especially.


You can make a fun time out of just about anything today. Use this to get your baby to pitch in with the chores. But you might have to make it clear that tracking mud across the floor every few minutes doesn't count as helping.

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You may be thrilled when your baby says that they've found their calling in life today. You may not be impressed, though, when they say they're changing their name, and that you can hold their calls!


You think it's nap time, your baby thinks it's time to chase the cat. You're certain they want cereal, they insist on pancakes. Since there doesn't seem to be any compromise, rely on the old standby: 'Because I said so.'


Go out of your way to help someone today. Another mom may be floundering and really needs a hand. Most gratifying of all is when you see the tyke taking after you, selflessly helping a friend or sibling build a block tower.


The chores must be done today -- but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Let the tyke make up games while they pitch in. And you and the other half can flirt while you work -- which helps build suspense for after lights out.


This is a good day to kick back and keep it informal. You might even declare a 'stay in the jammies' day for everyone. Your little one will enjoy a good story or nursery rhyme, and not just at bedtime.


Your tyke will be full of big questions today. Like why is the sky blue? Why are boys different from girls? Encourage them to collect answers from search engines, e-encyclopedias and old-fashioned library books.


Your baby will likely share their dreams for the future today. Encourage the good ones, like becoming an astronaut, firefighter or ballet dancer. But the one about keeping a unicorn in the backyard had best be nipped in the bud.

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