Your Daily MomScope for January 17, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


You may be inclined to do something that deep down you know you really shouldn't -- like park in the handicapped space when dropping the tyke off at daycare. Resist this urge and you'll have a much better day!


You really should spend some time with like-minded moms today. No one else shares so much in common, so they can understand what's going on in ways that your partner cannot. Support them in kind.


Frustration levels may rise at work. It's just that your ideas are a bit ahead of their time, so give folks a chance to catch up. Instant stress release: A big sticky hug when you pick the tyke up at the daycare.


In general, staring into space is no way to pass the day. But today a little woolgathering will help you clear your mind. At the very least, you and the little one will enjoy looking for the cloud that looks like a pony.


The kiddos are bouncing off the walls -- and so are you! Work off some of that restlessness in an impromptu outing. They'll love exploring new regions of a park or woodland to look for birds and other wildlife.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


It's important to respect the opinions of others today. Maybe the tyke thinks puce is the new black, or a coworker has impossible taste in music. Let them go their way and you'll go yours.


Little things may throw you off today -- but only if you let them. Ignore the spilled juice or crayon mark on the car seat. Focus instead on the many things that are going right, and there are many things.


The kids are at arts-and-crafts class -- but what about your creative side? You need to find a way to express yourself today. Maybe the kiddos will let you join them. Or you can work on your mommy blog or scrapbook.


Things out of sight may go quickly out of mind today. Engage your little one in finding these lost articles. Since they're so close to the floor, they can zoom around and find those keys or gloves in no time.


You're full of good ideas and advice today -- but much of it may fall on deaf ears. Try being more subtle when approaching your loved ones. A little flattery can be highly motivational, especially with the kiddo.


Your baby may have a big case of the 'gimmes' today, craving all sorts of new toys and games. Instead of stretching the budget to accommodate these demands, arrange a swap session with other tots -- it'll be fun and free.


You have tremendous insight, even more so than usual today. Use it to tap into what your baby is really thinking. It will tell you whether that smile is happiness or an air bubble. And when they want 'up' or 'down.'

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