Your Daily MomScope for January 12, 2023

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


The GPS may be acting up and the boss is giving you mixed signals. But today you are destined to find the right approach to just about any problem -- including getting the tyke to finish all their veggies.


Though this may be a hectic day, try to spend some quality time with your little one. Listen carefully to what's on their mind and see things from their perspective. There's no better time to discover what makes them tick.


It's tempting to try to figure out what's really going on at work. Turns out there's a hidden agenda you're just not supposed to know about. Just keep on doing your good work, and all will be revealed in good time.


Separate work and family issues, and life will be that much more manageable. If you have a less than good day at work, leave it all behind once it's over. One look at the tyke's face and you'll remember what's really important.


If you want to connect with more people today, try offering to help. There could be a mom at daycare or Mommy and Me who needs a hand. You'll never know until you ask, which will at least break the ice.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You hit the ground running today. The kiddo may have their work cut out, trying to keep up with you. Of course, they may try to 'help,' like loading the shopping cart with 100 boxes of animal crackers. Don't fall for it.


You have big plans but may have to keep them to yourself today. No one around your workplace wants to hear about doing things differently. For now, just maintain the status quo and wait for the right moment to innovate.


The higher ups are in a good mood today, which seems to put everyone at ease. You can share in the same good spirits today, with very little effort on your part. Sometimes it's okay just to feel okay.


This is a good day to teach the tyke that not all fun things have a high price tag. A stroll through the park costs nothing. And if you make your own lunch, you can make round sandwiches with smiley faces on them.


This is a day when you can gain the recognition you deserve for all of your past hard work. Celebrate with your family, and while you're at it, impress upon your baby the importance of keeping their nose to the grindstone.


You may find that you simply flail around all day if you don't have a structure. Stick to the routine at work and the usual schedule with your baby. It'll be more productive that way than improvising any arrangements.


Your exceptional people skills will come in handy today. You may have to step in and negotiate a truce between feuding coworkers. Or convince the kiddos to take turns being 'it' without squabbling or pushing.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!