Your Daily MomScope for January 08, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


One-on-one time with your kiddo is favored today. Why not encourage them to take on a big new project, like a tea party or block tower? Then just be there to guide them in case they run into trouble.


You've been meaning to get some exercise, and the tykes are bored. What better time to hit the trail at a nearby park? It could be literally along a wilderness nature trail, or just meandering along a new path or two.


You're in the mood for love, so much so you have time for little else. Go ahead and put the finishing touches on that romantic surprise on your other half. Just don't forget to leave time to get your tyke ready for the big day tomorrow.


Keep an eye on your little one as they start new projects. There could be a series of half-finished puzzles and games and block towers in their wake. Come to think of it, you should finish what you start today, too!


Not only do you have brilliant ideas today, but it's easy to get others to agree with you. You might even be able to convince your little one that daddy really would prefer the blue striped tie over the one with the purple polka dots.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


If you're feeling indecisive today, then just decide to sleep on it. Leave the issue for a while and come back to it, and a solution will seem much clearer. The same goes for an item you're not sure about purchasing.


Although it may get off to a shaky start, this promises to be a super day. There's just the right blend of work and play for your liking. Of course, you're never too busy that you can't work a little romance into the mix.


You may feel like retreating into your shell today. With all the activity of late, you just need time to breathe and relax. It's hard for your little one to understand that you need space, but you can always take it while they're napping.


Do they know what they want, what they really, really want? There's only one way to insure your tyke makes their hopes and wishes known: Ask them! This is a good day for you to hear this vital information.


Your career path seems to be headed in an upward direction. Follow up on all leads about new positions, as you never know where they'll take you. Meanwhile, the only pinnacle the kiddo cares about is the top of the water slide. Whee!


'So I asked my tyke if they wanted to play paper dolls, and they said no, they cut that out long ago!' You have a million of them at playgroup or Mommy and Me today. Even your groaners will have kids and grownups alike in stitches.


That little one of yours may want to be a firefighter today, a teacher tomorrow, an astronaut the next day, and so it goes. Today, you will want to help them explore one of the many possibilities before them as they pick a path in life.

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